Monday, March 31, 2014
Leopard Print and Roses
It was a wonderful day!! I was back on the road!! Catching up with all sorts of things I had neglected not due to my own choices but due to transportation issues. My man is the greatest :) He got my truck back on the road!!
I felt like leopard print and roses afterwards for the shoot. I had worn the outfit in my video, but we had run out of time for a shoot with his busy schedule, so I reprized the look today and added a hand held silk rose. I love the results!
The evening was filled with even more productivity. I finally got my nails done. They were in desperate need of a fill, or balance, whichever you would like to call the procedure. That happened today :) I am so excited to see where we go from here! Each shoot proves to be better and better! :)
Sunday, March 30, 2014
My Significant Other's Writings
n to release drops of desire. His thumbs fondled the sides of her breast as he carressed her sides. she moved to be closer to him , his musky male scent filled her nostrils as she breathed him in. He was a man, not a boy as all she had been with before even though some were ten years his senior. He was cocksure , a man who could face any situation without fear and always having a level head. His confidence was beyond any she had ever seen, and it was entirely without even a hint of being cocky. He stood and removed what clothing was left upon his body. His manhood stood erect, his eyes ravaged her as she lay upon his bed. He swooped her into his arms and began a long gentle kiss......
Feeling Like a Little Bondage...
Today, I just feel a little bit ornery. Not sure what it is, but I feel ornery. I am guessing it is from finally getting something up on YouTube combined with dreams I had of my honey taking pictures of me tied up in the barn...maybe. lol. He told me the other day he dreamed of tying me up and making love to me. It sounded awesome. lol. So now I get to dream about it. ;)
I am trying to decide what to shoot tomorrow. I may try a mix of bondage and cheesecake, but we shall see. My mind is racing around what to do.
Once the warmer weather comes and the ground dries, out we will be able to mix it up even more with possibilities for locations abounding. Right now, the ground is so saturated, we would sink...or have to do mud-covered Betty pictures. lol. Might actually be kind of fun!
All I know is I have the biggest case of cabin fever. I am waiting for someone to come fix my truck. I haven't been able to drive it for two weeks, and the guy said this morning he was coming out today. I am so anxious. Tired of waiting.... But my hands are tied.... Maybe that's why I felt like bondage today...virtual bondage....
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Striptease, performers, and husbands
Today, I decided to post some of my singing stripper work for the world to see after too long a time. We had another video that was much better quality, but my computer would not open the file from my Canon Power Shot SX130. So, after my honey left for the day, I continued to try to find a solution to the problem. I had promised my audience a video, so I made them a video. Here I am singing and stripping to "Dream A Little Dream"
I must say that my dear, sweet husband is the most amazing man ever! We performers can turn into fireballs of craziness before performances or when things aren't quite going right with a project...I have to admit that I am a true performer. lol
My honey was also getting frustrated, but he has this way of dealing with my performance anxiety like none other. He can calm me to a tolerable point at most times, and can calm me completely down when he has time to take me to the bedroom. lol. I really want to thank him for putting up with me :)
We have been reminiscing about my former burlesque days. I had done a striptease as a nun to "I'm a Woman," a school teacher in "I Don't Know Enough About You," Jessica Rabbit in "My Heart Belongs To Daddy," among others, getting my official start in a show called Miss Kitty's Hot Box which was founded by Miss Judy Brown and we debuted in the spring of 2001. We continued to do a variety of shows after until Miss Judy moved out of state. I was a founding member of another group after that, and I even had my own Mistress Magenta's Burlesque Review for a little while until I had entered a bad relationship. This relationship caused me to quit burlesque. The entire relationship was bad for me in general with my own needs, desires, dreams, and self-worth, so it is no surprise burlesque had gone by the wayside for a bit. I had attempted to go into pin-up late in the relationship, but that was also frowned upon, so I had left that, too. Until a little over a year ago.
The only thing I had continued with was my singing. I played The Witch in Into the Woods, worked with the Opera Columbus chorus as a Mezzo for three years, solo work as an operatic soloist professionally with a few churches, recital work, taught voice lessons, sang and played bass with jazz combos, sang with a couple big bands...I did a lot with music, but the situation I was in was even killing my love for music.
A little over a year ago, Doc and I merged two of our loves. He loves to take pictures, and I love to pose for the camera. He had asked to take special pictures of me for himself. I had never done those kind of pictures before, but I felt comfortable doing it for this man. I find peace and mutual respect with him.
All except with singing. Until now.
I serenaded him with Dream a Little Dream about a year ago...I sang and accompanied myself on banjo. It made me more nervous than anything I had ever done. I am more comfortable singing in front of a huge audience than I am singing to the man I love. But, I had decided I was finally going to reunite my burlesque tendencies with my voice, so I pulled it together and sang for him. Then the video didn't work. Lol. So my "selfie" video is dedicated to him. I love you, honey!! <3
Friday, March 28, 2014
My Significant Other's Writings
I wanted to share the writings of a very special, talented man with you. I hope you enjoy!
The Animal Within
By Doc Good on Friday, March 28, 2014 at 4:21pm
She had never met a man who had listened to her. His past dictated to him his very resolute attitude.Early on in their phone coversations the topic turned to likes and dislikes of sexual experiences. Their pillowtalk was his roadmap to explore her sexual world. She had done many things he had not but he had the benefit of being so self assured. He memorized into his subconsious sexual being her wants and desires. He programmed himself to being her personal sex slave. He would not desire anything outside the boundaries of her needs. Her needs would come first and foremost. Their experiences together was like none she had ever had. Sure, he was only average in size and shape. There was nothing special about his appearance in any way. When he began to please her it was as if she had walked from night into day. His hands touched and explored like a pianist touching keys on a Steinway. He caressed her and held her close. He began opening up the hidden layers within her desires. He explored those issues she kept hidden. He taught her to celebrate those things she once was ashamed of. With each session of lovemaking she slowly revealed her inner animal, the hungry beast that had not fed for what seemed to be years. Ravenous she devoured him and still he came back for more. They danced with the idea to explore her experiences further but she decided he was enough. They had turned a corner, she had found her boundaries. As time moves on she slowly removes portions of the roadmap and soon he finds he is but a normal man. Her beast is content to feed and rest within his bed, but within him lies a sleeping beast that has never been allowed to howl, that has never been off the chain.... be afraid of the dark for I hear an evil growl.
Freedom of Expression vs. Bullying
I am going to make a little note about freedom of expression. I have always been one to appreciate innuendos. I love pasties. I have ever since I found out what they were, and, thanks to my mother, I was actually quite young. I know the purpose of covering the essential parts. lol. And I know what separates inappropriate from suggestive.
My mother told me all about the raids of the old burlesque houses and how they were justified by the strippers showing too much, hence the need for pasties. lol. She had even experimented some with stripping when she did Gypsy twice, once as Electra and once as Tessie Tura. She told me about her bar friendship with Rose La Rose in Toledo and how Miss La Rose wanted my mother to strip at her club there in Toledo.
I enjoy pushing the envelope. What I do not appreciate is people such as the three prudes who have come to my Facebook page with the intent to throw insults. These.women have not attempted to add me as a friend, nor have they liked my page. They merely came to try to be bullies. There is no excuse for what they do. Isn't the old Biblical saying "judge not lest ye be judged?" Those without sin are welcome to cast the first stone.
My thought on them is why did they bother coming to my page? Could it be that they are closet lesbians who found photographs such as these enticing? I came out as bisexual years ago, and I am a much happier person for it. And I am proud to say that I enjoy looking at pin-up art, cheesecake, burlesque, bdsm, and erotica.
Anyways, back to my original thought. I know what I can and cannot do to push the envelope. I love the tease. The imagination is a very powerful thing. As Gypsy Rose Lee said, the art of strip tease is like taking candy from a baby. You dangle it in front of them, then you take it away. Always let their imaginations run wild so they come back for more. ;)
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Needing to Mix It Up a Bit...
I had a strong urge today to take pictures that did not involve bondage. A girl needs to just feel like a pretty princess sometimes, and today was one of those days! I had a break day from my Pilates routine, and I have a tough time with that lol. I always have to go, Go, GO! Even though I know the break day is important for letting muscles repair, I still felt like I was somehow neglecting my duty to myself. It was a nasty little guilt that had no place to take over, but it tried to. The answer seemed to be to take these.
I never thought I looked good in white before. I was always black, black, leopard print, and black. lol. White just didn't feel like me, like it was somehow inappropriate. I am not exactly sure where that came from, but it was there.
A few days ago, we did a shoot in white lingerie. I was horribly nervous about posting those pictures, but I did anyway. To my amazement, people loved them! It blew my mind! People were telling me how wonderful I looked in white on my Facebook page, and I didn't see until after we had done another "bondage in black" shoot. I almost felt like I let my fans down. My response...well, here are a few pictures from today ;)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Ropes vs. Chains
The hobbles were actually made for use with horses, so they are not exactly clean enough to wear with white undergarments. I got a smudge on my white girdle the first day he gave them to me just by handling them and merely checking them out. They were made by an Amishman who makes tack, so what could I really expect?! lol. But we believe in cutting costs where we can, and getting supplies from a tack shop, especially one like my husband used, is a heck of a lot cheaper than going to a fetish shop and buying similar items there. Those hobbles with the chains are the most comfortable way to be tied up. lol. The rope can be ok until he gets me moving for struggle shots, then I usually end up with minor rope burns. And the chain? Yes, I have pinched myself, but it hasn't been bad...yet. The thing that makes me anxious is anticipating the cold!
I have been fascinated with references to bondage since I was young. I loved wearing chains in the late 80s. I wanted so badly to look like a teenager when I was 12/13 years old, and for some odd reason, I had the image of girls wearing thick black eyeliner, black leather biker jackets, and chains as what a teenager was supposed to look like. I also thought bleach blonde hair was also part of it, but again that was the late 80s. lol. I did at one point bleach my hair to platinum with Sun-In...then tried to get a perm (yes, 80s)...the test sample they took before putting the perm on my hair melted that hair into goo because of the bleach job. Yes, I was very grateful that they did take that test sample first!
I guess this is the long term effects of growing up in the 80s combined with a love of Bettie Page's bondage pictures. There is nothing better to use as a template as those old pictures of Bettie beating another girl or being tortured herself. Inspirational!
I am all about looking as vintage as possible with this stuff. ;)
Here are some pictures of rope and chains with and without the hobbles. Enjoy!! ;)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Link to Facebook Page
Please check out my Facebook Page
There are many pictures, and many more to come!! ;)
There are many pictures, and many more to come!! ;)
These are a few of the most recent photographs my husband Doc Feelgood has taken. We have a fascination with old school vintage style bondage. I have always been a character actress, so the bondage is fun for me. Not to say we don’t enjoy standard cheesecake, because we do, but the bondage has been a fun outlet while the weather has been crappy. ;) What I also find entertaining is my husband had the hobbles made by a local Amish merchant. That makes me giggle.
I find the bondage stuff to actually be quite a turn on. Both my husband and I like to keep things interesting lol. I find it a way to keep that feeling of excitement going even though we have been together for a while and know each other’s ins and outs pretty well, I should say.
Doing the photo shoots has also helped me a bunch with my self-esteem and body image. I have a bad case of Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism, which is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid as if it was a foreign body and, as in my case, destroys it. I have been battling it since I was diagnosed in 2006, and it goes up and down with the effectiveness of the synthetic thyroid hormone I have to take in order to have a metabolism. Within the past year, I quit smoking and went hypo, and the end result was I gained 40 lbs. I had also let my diet slip a bit as well, and I have currently straightened that out. One major thing I cut out was soda pop. I am also doing a daily Pilates routine. Not sure if I have lost any weight just yet, but I am starting to feel more toned.
These photo shoots are also a way for me to connect with who I am and where I have come from. I have been on the stage since I was little, including everything from musical theatre to opera as a mezzo soprano to burlesque to singing with big bands and jazz combos to drama to film work. I consider myself a performer. Three years ago, I moved to a rural community where there isn’t a whole lot to do in the way of performance, so this has become my outlet for that, as well.
I hope you enjoy what you see and read! Thank you for checking me out! ;)
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