Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ropes vs. Chains

I figured I would make a little note about my own experiences with ropes and chains.  It is hard for me to say which I prefer my husband to use when he ties me up for these photo shoots because each have their own special attributes.  Rope shows up wonderfully in black and white or sepia, yet it is much easier to get rope burn than it is to get pinched between the links of the thicker chain we use, especially when he uses the hobbles to attach the chains to me.  Now, when it is cold, the chains are quite a shocker!  It takes it FOREVER...or seems like it takes forever...for the chains to warm up to body temperature.  lol.

The hobbles were actually made for use with horses, so they are not exactly clean enough to wear with white undergarments.  I got a smudge on my white girdle the first day he gave them to me just by handling them and merely checking them out.  They were made by an Amishman who makes tack, so what could I really expect?! lol.  But we believe in cutting costs where we can, and getting supplies from a tack shop, especially one like my husband used, is a heck of a lot cheaper than going to a fetish shop and buying similar items there.  Those hobbles with the chains are the most comfortable way to be tied up. lol.  The rope can be ok until he gets me moving for struggle shots, then I usually end up with minor rope burns.  And the chain?  Yes, I have pinched myself, but it hasn't been bad...yet.  The thing that makes me anxious is anticipating the cold!

I have been fascinated with references to bondage since I was young.  I loved wearing chains in the late 80s. I wanted so badly to look like a teenager when I was 12/13 years old, and for some odd reason, I had the image of girls wearing thick black eyeliner, black leather biker jackets, and chains as what a teenager was supposed to look like.  I also thought bleach blonde hair was also part of it, but again that was the late 80s. lol.  I did at one point bleach my hair to platinum with Sun-In...then tried to get a perm (yes, 80s)...the test sample they took before putting the perm on my hair melted that hair into goo because of the bleach job. Yes, I was very grateful that they did take that test sample first!

I guess this is the long term effects of growing up in the 80s combined with a love of Bettie Page's bondage pictures.  There is nothing better to use as a template as those old pictures of Bettie beating another girl or being tortured herself.  Inspirational!

I am all about looking as vintage as possible with this stuff.  ;)

Here are some pictures of rope and chains with and without the hobbles.  Enjoy!! ;)

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