Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Significant Other's Writings

A young man sitting on his grandads knee asked " If you could be any toy what would you be?"
His grandad said "I only know what I would not want to be." "I would not want to be a Teddy Bear"
"Why Grandpa?" the youg boy asked.
"well you see that Teddy bear gets a lot of love when it is fresh and new but eventually things come along and draw the attention of the one who owns him. He gets a little saggy and a little moth eaten. soon they put him on a shelf looking down on the world he once played in. They would not think of giving him away yet they still let him sit. "
The young boy looked at his grandpa and said " I don't have any Teddy Bears."
The Grandpa Replied "I know, but your grandma does."

The rest of the day the young boy explored his granpas house. Carefully looking in each room. With no avail he sat disgusted upon the porch. His Grandmother saw the disgruntled look upon his face and asked "what's your problem honey?"
The boy said "I can't find your Teddy Bear!"
The Grandmother laughed and said "the only Teddy Bear i have is sitting out back on the porch swing."

The Moral of this story ~ Give your Teddy Bear a hug, just going through the day to day routine is not enough.... He is feeling a little forgotten~

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